Monday, August 31, 2015

Road Trip Moe's Valley

Moe's was a battle to say the least. The weather so far on the trip was way to hot, but the day we show up in Moe's we woke up to a foot of snow. We chilled in a hotel room for two days to get some much needed R&R. While waiting for Moe's to dry out we tried to go sport climbing at Hurricave. After driving around for awhile, we finally saw it and we where underwhelmed to say the least, chosspile. So we headed to the Cathedral. The directions were horrible, never trust Mountain Project for anything that website is a waste of time. We found the parking area then walked up the wash way to far and had to cut across the hill side to what I thought looked like the right place. We got lucky and found it and boy is that sport cliff amazing. Golden stands out on the cliff as one of the best sport lines I have ever seen. As soon as we started to climb we realized that the rock was way to cold, numbing out ten moves in. I only managed to climb the warm up before we threw in the towel.
Back in Moe's the weather had jumped from freezing to 75 so shade was a must. First on the list was Crusaders for Justice v12/13. I had gotten close on it two years ago but got shut down by hot weather. This time the weather wasn't much better but I guess I had gotten better as a climber and managed to squeeze it out one morning before the sun hit the problem, making the slopers impossible to hold.  Another amazing problem, Show of Hands v11,  always stood out to me as one of the best lines, so I was really happy to put that one down as well. The toe hook on that thing is deceiving. It looks like a jug toe hook but the rock is slippery on that part of the problem making that the crux for me. I really wanted to try Booka Booka Booka v13. It looks awesome, but after trying it a couple times I realized I could not hold the three finger pocket with my injured finger.
After a couple days of bouldering it decided to rain for seven days strait. On semi dry days we past the time climbing at the VRG. The girls are not fond of ropes and they let me know it. I climbed a couple ok routes nothing that stood out to me but I didn't get to try the cool looking harder routes because the girls were not down with belaying on the ledge.
After what felt like forever Moe's finally dried out. Davita crushed her project Israil v6 and Roxana climbed a v4. I tried Meatbag v12/13 a sweet roof with big moves on perfect edges. I got really close but decided to come back. The next session the weather had jumped to 85, I tried to get on Meatbag before it got too hot with no avail. I flopped all over that thing making no headway. The weather was getting to all of us so we decided to head for greener pastures. Meatbag will have to wait until next time. Joe's Valley here we come.
The Goose v4
Fun v3
Sichuan Peppercorn v5
Davita trying the best line in Moe's
Gription v9 

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